资 源 简 介
2015.03.21 - We moved our repository to github. By now on, any contributions to Fuzuli and its sub-projects will be pushed in the repository https://github.com/jbytecode/fuzuli
Please follow the project in github.
Blog entries in our blog still remain.
Please follow the link
for news and code snippets.
(function fibonacci (params x)
(if (<= x 2)
(return 1)
(return (+ (fibonacci (- x 1)) (fibonacci (- x 2))))
Fuzuli is a new programming language and interpreter. Fuzuli has its name from 16th century Ottoman poet Fuzuli (Muhammad bin Suleyman).
Fuzuli has an interesting word in Arabic language. It means impertinent, improper and unnecessary in English. Fuzuli used this word because he thought that nobody else could take it as a pen name.
We also chose this name for our interpreter