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  • 资源大小:25.16 kB
  • 上传时间:2021-06-30
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  • 标      签: 网络 图书馆 简单 json 序列化

资 源 简 介

Introduction json-sharp contains 4 methods: string JSON.Serialize(object o);string object.ToJSON();T JSON.Deserialize(string json);object JSON.Deserialize(string json); It is of note that only public properties are serialized and deserialized. Setup Minimal setup is required to get json-sharp running. Download either the DLL or the source file. Include either the DLL or the source file in your project. Include a using reference to System.Web in the .cs file you intend to use json-sharp if there isn"t one already. using System.Web; Examples Serializing There are two ways in which you can serialize an object. First of all, you can use the straight-forward Serialize method. string myJsonString = JSON.Serialize(MyRandomObject); or you can use the even easier object.ToJSON method. string myJson

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