资 源 简 介
I took Machine Learning class taught by Prof. Andrew Ng from October - December 2011. I scored 72.7 out of 80 (Review questions)and 800 out of 800 (programming exercises). This project contains solution to the programming assignments from this class.
Course website : http://www.coursera.org/course/ml
You can find the code under the Download section
If you are currently taking the class please DO NOT refer to this code before the due date of the assignment.
Stanford"s Honor Code
" We strongly encourage students to form study groups, and discuss the lecture videos (including in-video questions). We also encourage you to get together with friends to watch the videos together as a group. However, the answers that you submit for the review questions should be your own work. For the programming exercises, you are welcome to discuss them with other students, discuss specific algorithms, properties of algorithms,