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For a "how to", tutorial or the JAR you can find the in project page http://easycriteria.uaihebert.com/ This project purpose is to help the developer to use the JPA criteria. Imagine the JPQL bellow: select p from Person p A JPA Criteria to do the JPQL above would be: CriteriaQuery criteriaQuery = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(Person.class);Root root = criteriaQuery.from(Person.class);criteriaQuery.select(root);TypedQuery query = entityManager.createQuery(criteriaQuery);query.getResultList(); With EasyCriteria will be: EasyCriteria easyCriteria = EasyCriteriaFactory.createQuery(entityManager, Person.class);easyCriteria.getResultList(); We are using JUnit with the Cobertura Plugin to measure the coverage of the EasyCriteria library. So far we have 100% of test coverage. [= To use it with Maven just add the depen

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