资 源 简 介
This article is based in part on Bob Place s ADO is AOK (a simple ADO tutorial). Wrapper Usage This is consist of 2 classes. CDyndb : This Class manages connections and recordsets. Recordsets are organized as linked list (CList) and you can access them using their ids. CDynRec : This class is the node to populate for each recordsets. ADO封装器类 这篇文章一部分基于Bob Place的《ADO is AOK》 (简单的ADO指导) 。 包裹的用法 由2个类组成。 类CDyndb: 这个类别管理连接和记录集。记录集是连接起来的记录的集合,你可以通过他们的ID访问他们。 类CDynRec: 这个类别存放记录集的代码。