资 源 简 介
0.0.8-rc1 out!
horkizein [0.0.8-rc1] The software is now more DAO oriented. You can build (immutable) value objects from XmlPushable after parsing or directly from the main class.
Cleaning of names of classes and methods. The naming should not change from now on.
Added examples to the documentation (especially of the XmlTag annotation).
horkizein [0.0.7-alpha]: includes mayor changes. Annotations are now necesssary to build the desired graph of pulled out objects.
The artifact is now on Maven Central.
Documentation on the new feature in progress. Please follow the examples in horkizein-it project for now.
The library won"t be updated anymore, unless specifically requested. Horkizen is a tiny tool I needed for some Android test and it"s far from being complete at the moment. There are so many tools out there that can better handle Xml (or o