资 源 简 介
You could use this lib, with Flex sdk4.5 or later and use Burrito(FlexBuild or FlashBuild anyway) to code your application.
By this Framework you could build up your Flex for Android application efficently.
After you got SDK 4.5 of Flex and Burrito for development environment, supply a set of item in this formula, and then, woof.... you get your application.
Environment + Assassin + Value Object + Value Object List + Detail View for Value Object = Your Application
If you has development experience you could realize what you should do when you want to build an application. and if you has Flex experience or Android development experience you should know how complex you used to do.
By this Framework -- assassin, you just need concentrate on implementing your biz logic. and we will construct your application base on your biz object"s logic of relations.
So we guarantee you could get your application extremely fast. We don"