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This repository contains the source and apks for three Android projects that I, Matthew Boles, have been a member in. I have been part of more projects but I would say that these are the more complex applications that I have been a contributing member.
The Simple War Game application was an assignment for an Android course. I created the application by myself. If you wish to view the Card Game source, the folder is CardGame_War.
Senior Project 2012 was a group project. The group contained four other members, five total. I designed that application and contributed to a majority of the code involved.
Coles College of Business Application is a group project. A rough estimate of the number of people working on the Android application at one time would be five. I took over the Maps and Directions section of the project and am responsible for the Directory section of the application. The Maps, Directions, and Directory all work with the SQLite database on an