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A solution for piracy on the Android market. This library allows developers to control the behavior of their applications when they have not been purchased from Android market.
There are a number of configuration options:
IGNORE - No visual cues given to users, but callbacks are still performed to your code
INVITE - User will be invited to purchase the app after a configurable number of validation failures.
NAG - Show the invite screen for some configurable number of seconds, but then let the user continue to use your application.
BLOCK - Kick the user out of the app after they aknowldedge that the app is stolen.
Validation of purchases is done using the (non-public) Android Market API.
Using the library is simple. Typically add something like the following to your Activity"s onCreate method:
LicenseManager lLicMgr = new LicenseManager(); lLicMgr.setValidationPolicy(10 /* max failu