资 源 简 介
Rainbowduino is an Arduino compatible controller board with professional LED driving capacity.
We have held a contest to collect ideas and share among community. www.seeedstudio.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=11 It was a wonderful project, and our work should never end.
The API will be re-written and illustrated in details, and also enable future usage other than RGB matrix driving.
To be a committer, please contact with icing.chang@seeedstudio.com
Another firmware for rainbowduino/arduino http://code.google.com/p/neorainbowduino/
Send buffer from your workstation to the Rainbowduino
Stable, running more than 5h (at 115’200 baud)
Fast, more than 50 fps with two Rainbowduinos possible. One frame needs ~100 bytes
Multiple Rainbowduinos supported (I2C proto