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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > PHP > 实现了一个针对Moodle社会书签活动模块


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This project implements a delicious like Social Bookmarking Learning activity Module for the LMS Moodle. Most of you will know del.icio.us and I’m sure that some of you are using this service. So installing this module in your Moodle, you would be able to create mini-delicious activities inside your courses to do some kind of WebQuest. The main idea is that students search information about a topic using the World Wide Web and share whatever they find with their partners. Using this tool, links can be tagged and organized easily. moodle-social-bookmarking is a project iniciated by Jordi Piguillem and Ludo(Marc Alier) at the GESSI research group at UPC. See a [http://www.dfwikilabs.org/course/view.php?id=4demo of Social Bookmarking for Moodle. ![](http://blogs.dfwikilabs.org/pigui/files/2008/04/bookmarks_s

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