资 源 简 介
php Tools for Groupwise, aka. PTG, provides a basic web interface to some Groupwise management tasks that are normally not easily handled by the native admin tools provided with Groupwise.
PTG uses the Groupwise SOAP interface, and the Trusted Application API to a allow Groupwise administrators or helpdesk personnel access to among others:
proxy settings (view, add, delete, modify)
junkmail junk/block/trust entries (view, delete, add, move)
rules (view, delete)
client settings (view, modify)
modular, expandable, automated tasks for maintenance and reports (proxy settings, junk entries, etc.)
folders and mailbox items viewing, and attachment downloading
and more...
View or full management access to all of these features can be assigned to roles. Application users can then be assigned roles that define what they can and cannot see or do. Includes extensive logging of application user actions for