资 源 简 介
Mac OS compiled binary of fretscpp - http://code.google.com/p/fretscpp/
Alpha version, compiled on Mac OS SL 10.6.8.
This is compiled binary of fretscpp for Mac OS.
If you want to compile yourself, you may see below.
Requirement for compiling:
* sdl http://www.libsdl.org/download-1.2.php
* libfreetype2 http://sourceforge.net/projects/freetype/files/freetype2/2.4.10/freetype-2.4.10.tar.bz2/download
* opengl (xcode)
* libpng http://www.tekkotsu.org/code/libjpeg-libpng%20(universal).dmg
* libogg http://xiph.org/downloads/
* libbvorbis http://xiph.org/downloads/
* yasm http://yasm.tortall.net/Download.html
* doxygen www.doxygen.org (optional) can be disable with --disable-install-docs
* libvpx http://code.google.com/p/webm/downloads/list
more info: