资 源 简 介
About CSS Shrink
CSS Shrink is a PHP CSS minifier aiming at website performances optimization.
Reduced Bandwidth usage
Reduced Latency
Polyvalent: Works with any website or framework: Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla
CSS Minification
Intelligent caching system
Unzip the files from the archive. Edit the following Apache rewrite rules to fit your location :
# Avoids infinite loops
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/cssshrink/$
Pass the complete path to any css file to the php minifier
RewriteRule ^/(.*.css)$ /cssshrink/cssshrink.php?css=$1 [NC]
Make the cache folder writeable by the apache user:
# chown www-data.www-data cssshrink/cache/
And you are done.