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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > PHP > 创建标记简化方式(XML、HTML)元素,类似于你使用jQuery,但不是搜索元素/节点创建


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Simple markup language is only a concept that can be implemented in any programming language if necessary in order to create xml/html elements quickly and easily. It fallows that common line you may already know: write less and do more. I will concentrate more on PHP here, using basically 2 classes: class SMLParser and class node. Class SMLParser is what you will use to pass strings that represent the tree of elements you want to retrieve. The result is always an array of objects of the type node. The node class is very simmilar to DOMDocument or SimpleXML, but very poor as it does not offer all the features you may want, only the basic functionality that permits adding child nodes, and setting attributes etc. Later I may extend this to merge with DOMDocument and SimpleXML. Anybody can do this, its very easy, but what is new here is the possibility of creating complex html/xml node structures as strings, using short commands, and rendering an hierarchy object. With SML its a