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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > PHP > 简单,与亚马逊AWS SimpleDB图书馆柔性的ORM框架

简单,与亚马逊AWS SimpleDB图书馆柔性的ORM框架

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Introduction Simple PHP 5.3 based ORM allowing cloud-based models and traditional database models to coexist. Currently supports Amazon SimpleDB or any database for which a PDO driver is available. It also includes a simple Controller package to make it a more complete framework. Latest Version The latest release is 0.18-beta. See ReleaseNotes for information and downloads to get it. Example The following example uses Amazon SimpleDB. This would allow the system to seamlessly scale to use multiple computers via a load balancer with little additional configuration. It even includes a SimpleDB session handler. Class Definition class Result extends ORMSDBORMModelSDB { public $student_id; public $date; public $marks; public $grade; publi