资 源 简 介
Fuse file system to access an SVN repository with local cache for performance improvement. Original code was taken from the svnfs project by John Madden at http://www.jmadden.eu/index.php/svnfs/.
* Support mounting to a specific revision
* Tested with popular protocols including svn://, http://, https:// and svn+ssh://.
* Local disk cache is used to increase the performance of subsequent access and cached files remain after the repository is unmounted. So it can be reused afterwards. The cache eviction can be done by external programs such as tmpwatch and cron job.
* Use memory cache for file and directory attributes
* Support read only operations.
* Due to the multiprocess synchronization unimplemented, a user cannot have the same repository mounted on many mount points in the same machine since cache files may be collided.
* Though different users can mount the same repository, local cache cannot be shared due to access permission is hard t