资 源 简 介
InfoTerminal for DokuWiki -- an alternative interface for lightweight and popular wiki.
Download http://code.google.com/p/infoterminal4dokuwiki/downloads/list
Copy terminal to wiki (path/to/wiki/terminal)
chmod terminal/protected/cache to 0777
Browse http://yourdomain.host/path/to/wiki/terminal or http://yourdomain.host/path/to/wiki/terminal/index-no-htaccess.php
Best view in Opera 9.5+
Locale is taken from the wiki
1280Ñ…1024 - fixed size of InfoTerminal
Tab - tabs all buttons
PageUp, Up - scroll up
PageDown, Down - scroll down
Ðоmе - home page
End, Insert - refresh
Backspace, Left - history back
Opera Kiosk mode
C:Program FilesOperaopera.exe -k -