资 源 简 介
While going thru my old projects to see which would be of any use to the open-source community, i came along an old project of mine, WebFM (Web File Manager).
I was applying for my previous job when i was asked to write a filemanager demonstrate my php abilities, the time alloted for this undertaking was 2 days, and i"m sure they wanted something a lot simpler, so i may have gone a little over the top when writing this, but i did felt i had a point to make :-)
Its Written for PHP 4, but i"m sure with some minor modifications it can be made to work fine with PHP 5.x too.
To configure this file manager for all virtual hosts
and hide the script from the virual host"s document root
place fm.php in a dir outside of the document root
For example /var/www/fm.php, and the images in /var/www/fmicons
then configure Apache aliases in your httpd.conf to access them as such:
Alias /filemanager "/var/www/fm.php"
Alias /fmicons/ "/var/www/fmicons/"