资 源 简 介
This is no longer updated.
Visit http://bitbucket.org/xixs instead.
This is Kriss ![](http://www.WetGenes.com/buds/wetkriss100.gif) and this is shi ![](http://www.WetGenes.com/buds/wetshi100.png) .
We make games, this small collection of seemingly random projects are all games development related and released here for your inconveniences.
WetPlay : a flash xspf MP3 player, built using MTASC and SWFMill
SGSS : a simple games website written in php only without using any databases. This uses the Mochi games feed as the source of games.
The projects that are intended to be open source are being shifted slowly over from my personal svn repository that can be found at https://trac.xixs.com/ Please note that not everything you can find there is going to be explicitly licensed and move