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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > PHP > Asterisk AGI / AMI和灯/ Ajax代码之间的一个薄的中间件。

Asterisk AGI / AMI和灯/ Ajax代码之间的一个薄的中间件。

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A lot of Asterisk PBX libraries want to be the star of the show instead of a supporting actor in your grand design. One of the goals with the fastagi-php-drclue project is to let you do your own thing your own way and to keep the bridge between asterisk and your application thin yet effective. The fastagi-php-drclue system runs as a pair of daemonized PHP scripts with init.d support and related scripting. Asside from PHP , some consideration is also made for XML and JSONized XML since those other realms often co-exist with LAMP development. Owing to the design, you can run as many PHP scripts as you can dream up without ever having to restart the FastAGI server. So your development process can be as simple as edit,save, and dial! The Fast AGI protocol is now yours to command. When your scr

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