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MiMViC is Minimal View Controller Introducing MiMViC that embraces the PHP 5.3 and takes a step into future by utilizing the namespaces, lambda functions and minimality. MiMViC is supposed to be super-light weight and programmer friendly framework, thus giving programmer only the most essential tools for programming. Practically speaking MiMViC follows the "KISS Rule" for real! Code repo has been moved here: https://bitbucket.org/maxpert/mimvic Direct download: https://bitbucket.org/maxpert/mimvic/get/2abe6578a482.tar.gz Why? If you are a developer who wants: * To glue up functions on friendly URL. * Really really zero-configuration. * No frustrating XML or YAML shit! * Optimum performance. * Perfect for shared hosting servers. * Framework that melts into your code like ice-flake. * Want to use DB access of your choice .e.g. ADODB o

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