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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > ASP > 本程序设计分为服务器应用程序及客户机应用程序部分,采用Socket套接字库网络编程。(UDP)和(TCP/IP)相结合的连接方式,及解决了数据传输的时效性又能保...


资 源 简 介

本程序设计分为服务器应用程序及客户机应用程序部分,采用Socket套接字库网络编程。(UDP)和(TCP/IP)相结合的连接方式,及解决了数据传输的时效性又能保证数据在传输的过程中不会丢失。另外程序采用多个线程来避免程序阻塞。具体设计思路及部分代码如下: 程序设计目的:首先就是完成课设任务啦(大二课设内容)其他目的: 1:练习使用套接字进行网络编程。 2:练习使用自定义消息。 3:练习多线程方面的编程思想。 4:练习使用各种控件。 -This procedure is divided into server application design and part of the client application using Socket socket network programming library. (UDP) and (TCP/IP) connection method of combining, and resolved the timeliness of data transmission but also ensures that the process of data transmission will not be lost. Other procedures to avoid the use of multiple threads blocking procedures. Specific design ideas and some code as follows: program design purposes: first mission is set up you finish class (sophomore class for the content of) other purposes: 1: Practice using the socket network programming. 2: Practice the use of custom message. 3: practice aspects of multi-threaded programming idea. 4: Practice using a variety of controls.

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