资 源 简 介
Utilizes many opensource libraries including MyGUI, OIS, Ogre, Ogg, Vorbis, Theora, and OpenAL.
Particle Universe is an optional plugin that you can buy at http://www.fxpression.com
Pre-build -
You need to download and install the DirectX SDK from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=3021d52b-514e-41d3-ad02-438a3ba730ba
Setup a windows environment variable named DXSDK_DIR and set it"s value to C:Program FilesMicrosoft DirectX SDK (June 2010) or where ever you installed Microsoft DirectX SDK to.
Installation -
Extract files to anywhere you want, run whatever.sln (VS2010 solution file only).
Change the startup project from ogg_static to whatever by right-clicking solution name->properties, hit apply/ok when finished.
Unload the Plugin_OctreeZone project by right-clicking it->Unload project.
Finally, hit the build (debug) button and it sh