资 源 简 介
This program is for updating Back|Track 4 final including apt-get and key pen-test tools.
(C)opyright 2010 Scamentology ~
# btupdate 1.91 #
# A script for updating Back|Track 4 #
Usage: ./btupdate.sh options
-d [Dist-up] --- apt-get everything
-o Plugins --- Update Openvas Plugins
-m Metasploit --- Update Metasploit 2 and 3 (svn update)
-a [aircrack-ng] --- Update aircrack-ng and airodump-ng suite
-e exploitdb --- Update Exploitdb
-s SET --- Update Social Engineering Toolkit
-S SQLMap --- Update SQLMap
-f Fasttrack --- Update Fasttrack
-n Nikto