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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > ASP > dotnet4,EF5,entlib,AOP,SOA,宁静


资 源 简 介

Iron Framework Focus on enterprise solution based on Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0. Combine with ADO.Net Entity Framework Enterprise Library WCF Asp.net MVC / Web Form web application implement Domain Driven Design(DDD),Layered architecture,Aspect-oriented programming(AOP) rapid development infrastructure. Technical features:  Asp.net MVC Razor engine  Dependency injection with Asp.net MVC  Asp.net Web Form strongly typed data binding model  Custom paging data server control  Hierarchical data model work with JQuery Plug-in  Enterprise library extention  Entity framework POCO and T4 template code generation  Cross cutting with Enterprise library application block  Dependency injection with Unity  WCF RESTful service  Repository and Unit of Work Pattern  Unit test with the Moq framework <

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