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# Description #
A library for parsing and writing comma separated values (CSV).
This will parse or write CSV as specified on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values and allow for use of any delimiter.
Please allow me to explain some of the unique aspects of comma separated values.
1. They are surprisingly complex to parse.
1. Fields that contain commas, double-quotes, or line-breaks must be quoted.
1. A quote within a field must be escaped with an additional quote immediately preceding the literal quote.
1. Space before and after delimiter commas may not be trimmed.
# Features #
1. Takes care of all of the unique aspects of CSV listed above.
1. Highly configurable with many different input sources.
1. Provides three types of parsing:
1. all in memory.
1. streaming (non-blocking).
1. event based callback.
1. The delimiter is configurable.
1. Configurable quoted value length to prevent the parser from reading to the End Of File when a quote