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The OCaml bindings are now included in PLplot
The OCaml PLplot bindings are included in the official PLplot release. Please download and install PLplot from there!
This site will be maintained for reference only. All further development will occur in the main PLplot source tree.
These are bindings to the PLplot library for the OCaml language.
Example session:
open Plplot;; (* Open the PLplot namespace *)plsdev "xwin";; (* Use the X Windows driver *)plinit ();; (* Initialize PLplot. This will open the plotting window. *)plenv 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1 0;; (* Set the plot dimensions and aspect ratio, draw axes *)pllab "x label" "y label" "Title";; (* Draw labels for axes and a title *)let x = Array.init 100 (fun _ -> Random.float 1.0);;le