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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 一个小型的保存和读取文件的小程序,用VC编写,通过把对话框的数据同步显示在视图中,并可把此数据保存成文件和读取该文件,有四个小计算程序,求阶乘,求平均值,求最大...


资 源 简 介

一个小型的保存和读取文件的小程序,用VC编写,通过把对话框的数据同步显示在视图中,并可把此数据保存成文件和读取该文件,有四个小计算程序,求阶乘,求平均值,求最大值和交换值.-Preservation and a small applet to read the document, prepared by VC, through the dialog box is displayed in the data synchronization view, and the preservation of this data into a file and read the documents, there are four small computer program, and factorial, and the average order value and exchange value.

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