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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 747用777 1.1固件外部调用主题和解码文件改制包 7月7日第二版使用说明 一、本固件第一版外调主体资源和解码器的基础上,又外调出字体和游戏

747用777 1.1固件外部调用主题和解码文件改制包 7月7日第二版使用说明 一、本固件第一版外调主体资源和解码器的基础上,又外调出字体和游戏

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747用777 1.1固件外部调用主题和解码文件改制包 7月7日第二版使用说明 一、本固件第一版外调主体资源和解码器的基础上,又外调出字体和游戏改制而成。 1、将主题资源、解码文件、字体文件和游戏文件改为自vx747的U盘调用。 ,方便朋友们随时更换主题和字体,游戏移出固件主要是减小固件体积(hxf文件仅13MB)方便刷机。 2、字体预置了雅黑小字体和细园大字体。 3、电子书工具条改-747 by 777 1.1 firmware external file called theme and decoding restructuring package July 7 use the second edition of one, the firmware the first edition of the main external resources and the basis of the decoder and the redeployment of a font and the game transformed from . 1, will be the subject of resources, decoder files, font files and game files changed since the U disk vx747 call. To facilitate the replacement of the theme of friends at any time and fonts, games out of the firmware is mainly to reduce the size of the firmware (hxf document is 13MB) Brush convenience. 2, the preset fonts ya black and fine small print large print park. 3, e-books to Toolbar

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