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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 本书真实系统地介绍了密码学及该领域全面的参考文献。 全书共分四个部分,首先定义了密码学的多个术语,介绍了密码学的发展及背景,描述了密码学从简单到复杂的各种协...

本书真实系统地介绍了密码学及该领域全面的参考文献。 全书共分四个部分,首先定义了密码学的多个术语,介绍了密码学的发展及背景,描述了密码学从简单到复杂的各种协...

  • 资源大小:1.39 MB
  • 上传时间:2021-06-30
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资 源 简 介

本书真实系统地介绍了密码学及该领域全面的参考文献。 全书共分四个部分,首先定义了密码学的多个术语,介绍了密码学的发展及背景,描述了密码学从简单到复杂的各种协议,详细讨论了密码技术,并在此基础上列举了如DES、IDEA、RSA、DSA等10多个算法以及多个应用实例,并提供了算法的源代代码清单。 全书内容广博权威,具有极大的实用价值。自出版以来,得到业内专家的高度赞誉,是致力于密码学研究的专业及非专业人员一本难得的好书。-This book introduces the real system and the field of cryptography comprehensive references. Book is divided into four parts, first of all define the term more than cryptography, introduced the development of cryptography and background, describes cryptography from the simple to the complex variety of the agreement, a detailed discussion of cryptographic techniques, and on this basis cited, such as DES, IDEA, RSA, DSA algorithm, as well as more than 10 examples of multiple applications and provides the algorithm source code on behalf of the list. Broad authority of the contents of the book, has great practical value. Self-publishing has been highly praised the industry experts, is dedicated to the study of cryptography professional and non-professional a rare book.

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