资 源 简 介
一个日程管理和通讯录管理的软件,采用的Access数据库,其中用到了三个自已写的三个控件:无售点按钮(NFButton.ocx)、带图片的按钮(ImageButton.ocx)、改进的日历控件(GoldSealCanlendar.ocx)。它还为我找到第一份工作立下了汗马功劳,因为没有时间,所以日程提醒部分没有做,是一下小小的遗憾。 还是值得一看:)-a calendar and contact management software, using the Access database, which uses three own written three controls : no selling point button (NFButton.ocx), the button with pictures (ImageButton.ocx), improved calendar control (GoldSealCanlendar.ocx). It is also the first to find me a job has achieved a lot, because no time, the agenda remind some do not, what is little regret. Or an eye-catcher :)