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that a company has a customer reception center, the unit time to a random custom...

  • 资源大小:1.81 kB
  • 上传时间:2021-06-30
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  • 资源积分:1积分
  • 标      签: Windows开发 c++

资 源 简 介

说某公司有一个顾客接待站,在单位时间内随机地有顾客到接待站询问,设每位顾客 的接待时间是某个范围内的随机值,设接待站只有一名接待人员,要求程序模拟统计 //在设定时间内,接待员的总空闲时间和顾客的平均等待时间。假定模拟数据已按顾客 //到达接待站的先后顺序依次存于某个正文数据文件中。对应每位顾客有两个数据,到达 ///时间和需要接待的时间。 //在计算机模拟程序中,程序按模拟环境中的事件出现顺序逐一处理事件。当一个事件 //结束时,下一个事件隔一段时间才发生,则程序中的模拟时钟立即推进到下一个事件 的发生时间,如一个事件还未处理结束之前,另有其他事件等待处理,则这些事件就 应依次排队等候处理。-that a company has a customer reception center, the unit time to a random customers to ask reception centers set up for each customer reception time is within the scope of a random value, is only a reception center set up to receive, process simulation requirements statistics// within a set time, the receptionist at the total idle between customers and the average waiting time. Simulated data has been assumed by the customer// Reception Center arrived in the order followed by the text stored in a data file. Corresponding two per customer data, arriving///time and the time required to receive.// In the computer simulation program, the process by simulation environment incidents each sequence

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