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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 本系统采用B/S架构,是学校智能办公系统的一部分,菜单中的“用户管理”、“权限管理”、“菜单管理”、“帮助主题”已集成在办公系统之中,因此本系统不提供这几项功能...


资 源 简 介

本系统采用B/S架构,是学校智能办公系统的一部分,菜单中的“用户管理”、“权限管理”、“菜单管理”、“帮助主题”已集成在办公系统之中,因此本系统不提供这几项功能。 2、本系统采用集中管理、分工合作的方式,将用户分为五个级别,每个级别的用户只能使用相应的功能,因此,能公平、公正、公开地考评各位教师的教学质量。 3、支持多人同时操作和远程操作,大大缩短数据录入时间。-the system using B/S, smart office is the school system part of the menu of "management", "management authority", "menu management," "Help topic" integrated office system, the present system does not provide these functions. 2, the system uses centralized management, division of labor, users will be divided into five levels, each level of user can only use the corresponding function, it will be fair, impartial and open to evaluation by teachers of the quality of teaching. 3, the support operations at the same time many people, and remote operation, greatly reducing data entry time.

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