资 源 简 介
本软件是用C语言编写的采用命令行界面与用户交流的抄写器,它实现的功能有对原有的C语言程序进行修改,从而得到结果相同,但是形式不相似的新的C语言程序.该软件还有帮助功能,可以随时为用户提供帮助.本软件仅供学习交流之用,不提倡学生用本软件抄袭别人的C语言程序.-The software is written in C, using the command-line interface with users of copying devices, which have the functions of the existing C language program changes, and thus the same results, but not the form similar to the new C language program. The software also help functions can always be used households help. the only software used to exchange learning and the promotion of student plagiarism software in C language program.