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3rd standard wavelet decomposition and reconstruction, the use of two wavelet :...

  • 资源大小:5.22 kB
  • 上传时间:2021-06-30
  • 下载次数:0次
  • 浏览次数:1次
  • 资源积分:1积分
  • 标      签: Wavelet matlab

资 源 简 介

3次非标准小波分解和重构, 使用两种小波:Haar小波和db9小波 设计3级小波分解和重构图像的程序 用你自己的照片作对象,显示其中任一种小波图像分解和重构过程 使用Haar小波时,计算阈值分别为0,5,10和20的情况下,用PNG格式存储重构的图像,并将计算结果填入“图像测试表” 使用db9小波时,计算阈值分别为0,5,10和20的情况下,用PNG格式存储重构的图像,并将计算结果填入“图像测试表” -3rd standard wavelet decomposition and reconstruction, the use of two wavelet : Haar wavelet and wavelet design Terminal 3 wavelet decomposition and reconstruction process images using your own pictures for targets, which shows the image of a wavelet decomposition and reconstruction process using wavelet Haar, the threshold values were calculated for 0, 5,10 and 20 of the cases, the storage format used PNG Image Reconstruction and results Enter "Image table test" Wavelet use Terminal, the threshold values were calculated for 0,5,10 and 20 of the cases, the storage format used PNG Image Reconstruction and calculation results Enter "Image test Table"

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