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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > brief introduction, the entire project is divided into five documents : Main.c

brief introduction, the entire project is divided into five documents : Main.c

  • 资源大小:11.82 kB
  • 上传时间:2021-06-30
  • 下载次数:0次
  • 浏览次数:1次
  • 资源积分:1积分
  • 标      签: Compiler program

资 源 简 介

简单介绍一下,整个工程分为5个文件:Main.c ----- 程序的入口点,其实很简单,就是调用两个函数。Global.h ----- 定义了一些全局变量及宏Parse.h ----- 语法分析器的主要算法Prece.h ----- 定义和实现了一些关于优先级的操作Stack.h ----- 定义和实现了一个栈及其操作编译的时候只要用TC2.0或者WinTC打开Main.c文件进行编译就好了。如发现有Bug请在这里贴出来或者把修改后的代码跟帖在这里:)总之,这个工程仅仅是一个简单示例,告诉大家怎么样把课堂上学到的知识运用到实际编程当中去,工程中所用到的模块化思想,数据结构等知识都是大家学过的,大三了,希望大家在最后这段时间里把写程序的本领练就出来。:)-brief introduction, the entire project is divided into five documents : Main.c----- procedure entry point, it is actually very simple, it is called two functions. Global.h----- definition of global variables and Wang Parse.h----- parser the main algorithm Prece.h----- definition and realization of a number of priority the operation Stack.h----- the definition and implementation of a stack and operation of the compiler used whenever WITH TC 2.0 or WinTC open Main.c documents compiled enough. If found please Bug out here or affixed to amend the code of Columbia here :) Overall, the project is just a simple example, like to tell you how to put classroom knowledge

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