资 源 简 介
随着Microsoft凭借Windows在操作系统上取得的巨大成绩,Windows用户界面也日益成为业界标准。统一的界面给广大用户对应用软件的学习与使用带来了很大方便。但每天都面对同一副面孔,日久天长难免会产生一些厌倦,开发一些“离经叛道”,一改Windows应用程序千篇一律的“标准”界面,一定会给你带来一种清新的感觉。-With Microsoft Windows operating system has made great achievements, the Windows user interface has also increasingly become an industry standard. A unified user interface for the majority of software applications with the use of the learning is a big convenience. But every day face the same faces, lack of long days will inevitably produce some tired, develop some "deviant", a change Windows application size-fits-all "standard" interface, we will bring you a fresh feeling.