资 源 简 介
针对当前预先指定聚类算法阈值提取关键帧的问题,使用MPEG- 7 标准中的主颜色描述子对视频帧进行描述, 以镜头内相邻两帧的相似性测度为数据样本,自适应地确定聚类所需的阈值,并以该阈值去指导同类视频的关键帧提取,提高关键帧提取的效率。-In view of the current pre-specified threshold clustering algorithm to extract key frames, the use of MPEG-7 standard descriptors of the main color on the video frame to describe to the lens inside the adjacent two of the similarity measure for data samples adaptively clustering to determine the required threshold and the threshold to guide similar video key frame extraction, improve the efficiency of key frame extraction.