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购买积分 购买会员 激活码充值

您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 算法特点: (1)可检测低对比度直线(可根据感兴趣问题的边缘强度调整); (2)编程接口简单,集成移植非常容易,算法可输出图像中每条直线的起点、终点、...

算法特点: (1)可检测低对比度直线(可根据感兴趣问题的边缘强度调整); (2)编程接口简单,集成移植非常容易,算法可输出图像中每条直线的起点、终点、...

资 源 简 介

算法特点: (1)可检测低对比度直线(可根据感兴趣问题的边缘强度调整); (2)编程接口简单,集成移植非常容易,算法可输出图像中每条直线的起点、终点、斜率等参数; (3)程序代码完全工程化设计,对320×240图像的处理速度可达15帧/秒; 测试方法: 在安装有USB CMOS摄像头的计算机上直接运行本程序即可看到实时检测直线的处理效果(采用不同颜色表示不同方向的直线)。 (可用于立体视觉、摄像机标定、人体运动分析、智能交通道路检测、工业生产监测等) -Algorithm features: (1) can detect low-contrast line (which can be the basis of issues of interest to adjust the edge intensity) (2) The programming interface is simple, very easy to transplant integration, the algorithm can output images in a straight line for each starting point, the end of the slope and other parameters (3) code fully engineered design, on the 320 ⊙ 240 image processing speeds of up to 15 frames/s testing methods: in the installation of USB CMOS camera has a computer running the program directly to see real-time Detection of linear treatment effect (using different colors in different directions that a straight line). (Can be used for stereo vision, camera calibration, human motion analysis, intelligent traffic detection,

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