资 源 简 介
包括部分空间算法,如计算两坐标点距离、判断两坐标点是否相等、计算叉积、计算点积、判断点p是否在线段l上、计算点bp以点op为圆心逆时针旋转dAlpha(单位:弧度)后所在的坐标点位置、计算指定半径圆上指定角度的弦长、计算由起点坐标和终点坐标构成的线段在指定距离和指定方向的垂点坐标等空间算法-Including some space algorithms, such as calculating the distance between the two coordinates to determine whether the same two coordinates to calculate cross product, point multiplication calculation to determine whether point p on line l above the calculation point to point op for bp counterclockwise rotation center dAlpha (units : radian) after the location where the coordinates of points, calculated on the specified radius of a round angle specified chord length, calculated from the starting point coordinates and end coordinates of the line constitutes a specified distance and specified direction of the vertical space coordinate algorithm