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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 数据采集系统作为沟通模拟域与数字域的必不可少的桥梁有着非常重要的作用。本文介绍的重点是数据采集系统。数据采集与通信控制采用了模块化的设计,数据采集与通信控制采用...


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数据采集系统作为沟通模拟域与数字域的必不可少的桥梁有着非常重要的作用。本文介绍的重点是数据采集系统。数据采集与通信控制采用了模块化的设计,数据采集与通信控制采用了单片机8051来实现,硬件部分是以单片机为核心,还包括模-数转换模块,显示模块,和串行接口部分,还有一些简单的外围电路。8路被测电压通过通用ADC0809模-数转换,实现对采集到的数据进行模拟量到数字量的转换,由单片机对数据进行处理,用LCD显示模块来显示所采集的结果,并将数据通过串行口传输到PC机上,MCU与 PC机间的电平匹配采用MAX232接口芯片,由PC机完成数据接收和显示,VB程序编写了更加人性化的人机交互界面。-Data Acquisition System Analog domain as communication with the figure of the indispensable bridge between the domain has a very important role. This article focuses on the introduction of data acquisition system. Control data acquisition and communication of the use of a modular design, data collection and communications control to the use of a 8051 single-chip implementation, the hardware part of the single-chip microcomputer as the core, but also mold- digital conversion module, display module, and serial interface part, have some simple external circuit. 8 road test voltage through the common mode ADC0809- conversion, implementation of the collected data to the digital analog conversion, the

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