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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 10种软件滤波方法的示例程序 1、限副滤波 /* A值可根据实际情况调整 value为有效值,new_value为当前采样值 滤波程序返...

10种软件滤波方法的示例程序 1、限副滤波 /* A值可根据实际情况调整 value为有效值,new_value为当前采样值 滤波程序返...

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10种软件滤波方法的示例程序 1、限副滤波 /* A值可根据实际情况调整 value为有效值,new_value为当前采样值 滤波程序返回有效的实际值 */ #define A 10 char value char filter() { char new_value new_value = get_ad() if ( ( new_value - value > A ) || ( value - new_value > A ) return value return new_value } 2、中位值滤波法 /* N值可根据实际情况调整 排序采用冒泡法*/-10 kinds of software filtering method one example of the procedure, limit the Deputy filter/* A value can be adjusted according to the actual value for the RMS, new_value filter for the current sampling procedures for the effective return of the actual value* /# define A 10 char value char filter () (char new_value new_value = get_ad () if ((new_value- value> A) | | (value- new_value> A) return value return new_value ) 2, the median filtering method/* N values can be adjust the actual situation in the use of bubble sort method* /

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