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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > LanMsg已更名为ourmsg,当前版本为1.1,修正了1.0版本中UDP组件的BUG,调试通过视频编解码,音视频即时消息软件源码。当前版本音频采用G729A...


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LanMsg已更名为ourmsg,当前版本为1.1,修正了1.0版本中UDP组件的BUG,调试通过视频编解码,音视频即时消息软件源码。当前版本音频采用G729A算法编解码,视频采用微软MPEG4编解码。视频编解码器在Updatempg4vki文件夹中,发布客户端打包时需要将mpg4vki一同发布,否则客户端视频将不能正常使用。-LanMsg has been renamed ourmsg, the current version 1.1, revised 1.0 version of UDP component BUG, debugging through the video codec, audio and video instant messaging software source code. The current version of the audio algorithms using G729A codec, video powered by Microsoft MPEG4 codec. Video codec in the Update mpg4vki folder, released when the client needs to be packaged together mpg4vki release, otherwise the client-side video will not work properly.

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