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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 旅行商问题: 某售货员要到若干城市去推销商品,已知各城市之间的路程(或旅费)。他要选定一条从驻地出发,经过每个城市一遍,最后回到驻地的路线,使总的路程(或旅...

旅行商问题: 某售货员要到若干城市去推销商品,已知各城市之间的路程(或旅费)。他要选定一条从驻地出发,经过每个城市一遍,最后回到驻地的路线,使总的路程(或旅...

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旅行商问题: 某售货员要到若干城市去推销商品,已知各城市之间的路程(或旅费)。他要选定一条从驻地出发,经过每个城市一遍,最后回到驻地的路线,使总的路程(或旅费)最小。-traveling salesman problem : A salesman to a number of cities to sell commodities, known the distance between cities (or travel). He selected from a resident, after each city again, the last resident to return to the line, making the total distance (or travel) is the smallest.

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