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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 实习题 [问题描述] 1. 设顺序表中的数据元素递增有序,将插入到顺序表的适当位置上,是该表仍然有序。 [输入] 初始顺序表,插入字符。 [...

实习题 [问题描述] 1. 设顺序表中的数据元素递增有序,将插入到顺序表的适当位置上,是该表仍然有序。 [输入] 初始顺序表,插入字符。 [...

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实习题 [问题描述] 1. 设顺序表中的数据元素递增有序,将插入到顺序表的适当位置上,是该表仍然有序。 [输入] 初始顺序表,插入字符。 [输出] 插入x后线性表的结果 [存储结构] 采用顺序存储结构 [算法的基本思想] 建立一个递增顺序表,插入一个数值并移动元素,使其仍然有序。 程序如下: #include "iostream.h" #include #define LIST_INTI_SIZE 100//初始空间大小 typedef struct SqList -attachment that [problem description] 1. Established order of the table data elements incremental orderly, will be inserted into the appropriate sequence table position is that the schedule remains orderly. [Imported] initial order and inserting characters. [Output] x inserted after the results of the linear scale [storage structure] sequence storage structure [algorithm for the basic idea : the establishment of a- incremental sequence table, insert a numerical and mobile elements, it remains orderly. The procedure is as follows :# include "iostream.h"# include

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