PPP Deflate压缩协议(PPP Deflate Protocol)
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PPP Deflate压缩协议(PPP Deflate Protocol)
点到点协议(PPP)[1]提供了一种在点到点链路上传输多协议数据报的标准方法。压缩控制协议(CCP)[2]提供了一种在PPP封装链路上协商和使用压缩协议的方法。本文档描述了如何使用PPP Deflate压缩协议压缩PPP封装报文。
-PPP Deflate compression protocol (PPP Deflate Protocol) Abstract point-to-point protocol (PPP) [1] provides a point-to-point link, the multi-protocol data transmission of standard methods. Compression Control Protocol (CCP) [2] provides a link in the PPP Packaging consultations on the agreement and the use of compression method. This document describes how to use the PPP Deflate compression compression PPP agreement Packaging paper reported.
文 件 列 表
PPP Deflate压缩协议RFC1979.doc