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购买积分 购买会员 激活码充值

您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 本系统中的三类人员:客户、办事处、超级管理员; 客户注册后可得到一个客户号;客户可用注册时的客户号和密码登陆系统;登陆后客户可修改个人信息,下订单,查询订单...

本系统中的三类人员:客户、办事处、超级管理员; 客户注册后可得到一个客户号;客户可用注册时的客户号和密码登陆系统;登陆后客户可修改个人信息,下订单,查询订单...

资 源 简 介

本系统中的三类人员:客户、办事处、超级管理员; 客户注册后可得到一个客户号;客户可用注册时的客户号和密码登陆系统;登陆后客户可修改个人信息,下订单,查询订单机及各办事处信息等; 超级管理员可以添加和删除办公室;可以查看所有办公室,车辆,单位和客户信息等,但是不能修改客户信息; 办事处可以添加和删除车辆和单位到本办事处;可以查看办公室信息和本办事处车辆信息、订单信息和客户信息,也不能修改客户信息; -the system of three categories : clients, offices, super administrator; After registration available to customers of a client; Registered customers can be used when the customer passwords and landing systems; After landing customers can modify personal information, under orders, orders inquiry and the Office for information; Super administrator can add and delete office; can view all offices, vehicles, units and customer information. However, we should not amend the customer information; offices can add and delete vehicles and units of the Office; can check the Office of Information and the Office of vehicle information, order information and customer information and customer information can not be changed;

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