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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 通用:我新的FFT VHDL VHDL,我试图用Xilinx的FFT核,但当…

通用:我新的FFT VHDL VHDL,我试图用Xilinx的FFT核,但当…

  • 资源大小:5.88 kB
  • 上传时间:2021-06-30
  • 下载次数:0次
  • 浏览次数:1次
  • 资源积分:1积分
  • 标      签: VHDL vhdl

资 源 简 介

FFT vhdl generic: I m new to vhdl, and I tried to use xilinx fft core, but when I try to simulate it in test bench using ise simulator, I get zero results. here is what I do: 1- from core generator I choose fft core and create .vhd & .vho & .xco files. 2- I add the .xco & .vhd files to my project. 3- I create a new vhdl source as a wrapper to the core and add the code from the .vho files where it exactly says, and take the ports of the component and add it to the entity of the wrapper file.-FFT vhdl generic: I m new to vhdl, and I tried to use xilinx fft core, but when I try to simulate it in test bench using ise simulator, I get zero results. here is what I do: 1- from core generator I choose fft core and create .vhd & .vho & .xco files. 2- I add the .xco & .vhd files to my project. 3- I create a new vhdl source as a wrapper to the core and add the code from the .vho files where it exactly says, and take the ports of the component and add it to the entity o

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