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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 常用的软件来记忆英语单词都是基于不好理解的。


资 源 简 介

一般常用的英语背诵软件都是以单词为主,不能很好的理解英语句子的结构,而"英语句子通"能帮你实现整句的背诵,而且有整句的即时语音,中国人学英语往往注重背单词,而忽略了句子,往往达不到说一口流利英语的效, "英语句子通"的出现弥补了这个空白。 附了NewConcept第一册的部分句子(mdb数据库形式,不加密),可以自己添加。 软件要求:window系列平台,微软语音引擎(如装了金山词霸就可以了) 需vb6运行库,ado引擎。 注:附全部vb源代码!!! -commonly used software to memorize English words are based not well understood English sentence structure, "English sentence-" can help you achieve recitation of sentence, but the sentence instant voice, the Chinese people tend to focus on learning English words back, while ignoring the sentence, often fail Fluent in English, said the effect, "English sentence links" can make up this gap. A list of NewConcept the first part of the sentence (mdb database form and encryption), it will add its own. Software requirements : window Series platform, Microsoft Speech engine (such as installing a free email can be a) need VB6 runtime, ado engine. Note : A full vb source code! ! !

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